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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 23. Okt 2015, 22:59 
Pink Panther

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puh, die sind fett

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 23. Okt 2015, 23:02 
such is life

Registriert: Di 14. Feb 2012, 20:20
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Aber sind sie auch im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Körpertypen pornographisch?
Falls nein, war das ne strunzdumme und unbeholfene Ausrede, um einen bestimmten Typen, den man persönlich nicht mag, loszuwerden.

a thing of beauty, I know
will never fade away

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 23. Okt 2015, 23:08 
Pink Panther

Registriert: So 3. Mär 2013, 21:09
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Nacktheit im Sinne der Aufmerksamkeitserregung ist doch mittlerweile sowas von lame.

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 23. Okt 2015, 23:12 
such is life

Registriert: Di 14. Feb 2012, 20:20
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Zum BeitragJelena hat geschrieben:
Nacktheit im Sinne der Aufmerksamkeitserregung ist doch mittlerweile sowas von lame.
Ja, es ist ne normale Taktik jeder Werbeabteilung des Bereich Beauty und/oder Shopping. Sind die abgebildeten Personen nicht fett, juckt es halt keinen. Sind sie fett (oder dicker als Personen im oberen Untergewicht), funktioniert es als Provokation unfassbar effektiv. Fette Personen sind abartig; habe 2008 selbst eine auf der Straße gesehen und kann es bis heute nicht vergessen.

a thing of beauty, I know
will never fade away

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 23. Okt 2015, 23:17 
Pink Panther

Registriert: So 3. Mär 2013, 21:09
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Mich provoziert sowas nicht, ich finde es nur unästhetisch. Finde nur die mit den blauen Haaren übergewichtig, die anderen sind meines Erachtens im Normalbereich und halt sehr schwabbelig, aber Schwabbel ist nicht gleich fett.

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 23. Okt 2015, 23:18 
such is life

Registriert: Di 14. Feb 2012, 20:20
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Andere provoziert es derart, dass sie rechtlich dagegen vorgehen. Ich ging nicht davon aus, dass es hier vielen gleich geht; interessant sind v.a. eher Meinungen dazu, wie das passieren kann.

a thing of beauty, I know
will never fade away

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 4. Dez 2015, 21:12 
Pink Panther

Registriert: Di 31. Jan 2012, 18:00
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In London gibt's ne "Organisation", die in der U-Bahn zu übergewichtigen Leuten, bzw. auch Leuten, die nur ein bisschen mollig sind, hingeht und ihnen ein Schild gibt, auf dem "fat" steht. Ziemlich asi das ganze. ... ltd-police

"I don't like people and sarcasm is my only defense"

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 4. Dez 2015, 21:17 

Registriert: Di 31. Jan 2012, 18:11
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Irgendwie ziemlich arm. Geil war auch der gigantische Shitstorm, als "Fat People Hate" auf reddit gesperrt wurde.

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BeitragVerfasst: Do 18. Feb 2016, 13:00 
such is life

Registriert: Di 14. Feb 2012, 20:20
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Ist Body Shaming nur schlecht, wenn es sich gegen Frauen richtet?


a thing of beauty, I know
will never fade away

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BeitragVerfasst: Do 18. Feb 2016, 14:23 
Daughter of the Sea

Registriert: Mo 30. Jan 2012, 21:36
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Natürlich nicht.
Dass hier bei der Diskussion aber eine gigantische Geschlechterlücke klafft ist offensichtlich.

“And buried deep beneath the waves
Betrayed by family
To his nation, with his last breath, cried
»Beware the Daughter of the Sea«”

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BeitragVerfasst: Do 18. Feb 2016, 21:31 

Registriert: So 14. Feb 2016, 22:14
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Bisher noch nicht damit in Kontakt gekommen. Würde mir sowas an den Kopf geknallt, würde ich das sicherlich ins lächerliche ziehen, weil es genau das ist. Da ist mein Selbstbewusstsein dann doch zu groß als dass ich da nicht drüber stehen könnte. Obwohl meine Freunde und ich uns ab und an mal einen Spruch geben wie zB. "ach schau an, dein Bauch ist ja auch am wachsen". :D

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 12. Aug 2016, 19:38 
such is life

Registriert: Di 14. Feb 2012, 20:20
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Zum BeitragBlackened hat geschrieben:
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Dieser Begriff ist allgemein vergleichbar ernstnehmbar wie Reverse Racism, Cisphobia oder so. Body Shaming im eigentliche Sinne gibt es in genau eine Richtung. Man kann einzelne Kritiker haben, aber nicht dafür "geshamed" werden, den unumstrittenen Idealen zu entsprechen. Und ja, die Ideale umfassen auch sichtbare Magersucht; vgl. die Modelkultur.

a thing of beauty, I know
will never fade away

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BeitragVerfasst: Mi 17. Aug 2016, 15:08 
such is life

Registriert: Di 14. Feb 2012, 20:20
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Wacht auf; Skinny Shaming existiert:


Zur Erklärung; das stützt grad sehr gut mein "Die Ideale umfassen auch sichtbare Magersucht", bzw. offensichtlich auch allgemein erkennbar ungesunde Optik.

a thing of beauty, I know
will never fade away

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BeitragVerfasst: Mo 5. Sep 2016, 16:08 
such is life

Registriert: Di 14. Feb 2012, 20:20
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I’ve Experienced Fat Shaming And Thin Shaming And I Can Tell You Which Is Worse
Once upon a time, I was a thin woman.
I didn’t actually consider myself “thin,” because our culture is so very fatphobic that no one except the very thinnest of women is allowed to consider herself thin. But I was a thin woman.
My thinness afforded me massive amounts of privilege that I was able to completely ignore because that is how privilege works. And I moved through the world, considering myself “normal size” (not realizing how totally messed up that was) and also considering myself a great ally to fat people.
It was mostly really great! I mean, I got to shop literally wherever I wanted because, unless it was a company exclusively for toddlers, everyone made something in my size. People hardly ever asked me invasive questions about my health. I enjoyed eating literally whatever I wanted to with minimal backlash, and pretty much all public spaces were sized appropriately for me.
But, every once in awhile, someone would make a comment about my thinness.
I don’t mean to be flippant! Often times, those comments could be really painful. I had people suggest that I must be starving myself to maintain my weight, while others suggested that thinness came so naturally and easily to me that I was oppressing them simply by existing in my body.
On one memorable occasion, a friend who was much larger than me held up one of my T-shirts for a room full of people (all larger than myself) to see and said “oh my gosh, look at this, this looks like it’s for a child! How could anyone ever wear anything so tiny?” and then she laughed. That hurt my feelings. That hurt was very much real.
At the time, an acquaintance posited that the problem with the fat acceptance movement was that it didn’t make adequate space for thin people. She claimed that thin women had just as hard of a time loving and celebrating their bodies as fat women, because of the patriarchy. I wasn’t totally sure how to feel about that, but I definitely felt like I had struggled with self-image and often needed support. I wondered if maybe she was on to something.
Fast forward a few years, and I got fat. The transformation started out slow, and left me in what was effectively a brand new body. And in that new — fat — body, I found that a lot of my privileges had disappeared. It was traumatic, and it led to a lot of really confusing feelings about how to exist in the world.
But — and this is the part I want to talk about today — along with the loss of my thin privilege, I also lost all of the thin-shaming I had previously been subjected to. Older women no longer pinched my waist and asked “how do you stay so skinny, dear?” and I was no longer assumed to be anorexic every time I didn’t gulp down my dinner at lightning speed.
Instead, my brand new body was now shamed for being fat. It was still body shame, but it was also a totally different experience to what I had encountered before. And because I’ve been on both sides of this, I am here to tell you, once and for all and based on no science whatsoever, which one is worse.
It is worse to be fat shamed.
It is worse to be fat shamed because, while both thin women and fat women are shamed for their bodies, fat women deal with the shame on top of discrimination and downright oppression. We aren’t just told that our bodies are bad, we’re told that our bodies are bad and then we also have less options in life and literally make less money than our thin counterparts.
It is worse to be fat shamed because, despite what many believe, there is just so much more fat shaming than there is thin shaming. I was thin shamed by maybe a handful of people, and I was thin for a long time. In contrast, I’ve only been fat a few years, but I’ve been fat shamed by my family, my coworkers, my doctors, my kid’s doctor, complete strangers, servers in restaurants, the list goes on and on. In less than a handful of years, I’ve encountered more crap for being a fat person than I ever did as a thin person.
It is worse to be fat shamed because thin shaming is often just fatphobia in disguise. Let me say that again for the people in the back. Thin shaming is often just fatphobia in disguise.
Yes, my body was mocked when I was thin, BUT IT WAS MOCKED FOR BEING DESIRABLE. It was mocked often out of a fear that my body met standards for social acceptability that the person mocking me couldn’t hope to achieve.
I was, essentially, being ridiculed for winning. That is deeply different than being ridiculed for losing.
Thin shaming mocked me, and then demanded that my body never get any larger. Fat shaming mocks me, and then demands that my body immediately get smaller.
This is not to negate the experiences of thin people! Absolutely no one deserves to have their body mocked and ridiculed, everyone deserves to love their body and feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. But fat shaming works in tandem with our whole fatphobic society, it helps hold up fatphobic policies and emboldens those who wish to treat us poorly because of the size of our bodies.
I’ve had people stop talking to me because I’m fat, strangers literally glare at me when I eat in public, and medical fatphobia keeps me in constant fear of going to the doctor. And to pretend that that is somehow the same as the jabs that I got about my weight as a thin person is insulting and silencing.
I’m not trying to win the oppression olympics here, I still have plenty of privilege and I’m doing just fine, fat and all, thanks. But when I hear people speculate that thin shaming and fat shaming are equal but opposite, just two sides of the same coin, I need them to know that isn’t the case. I need you to know that some of us have actually been through both, and can tell you what the difference is, and why that matters.
The assumption that thin shaming is “really just as bad” is often used to justify microaggressions against fat people, and contributes to a society that is openly hostile to fat people while simultaneously engaging in the doublethink of refusing to acknowledge that. And that doesn’t help any of us. Because we can’t deal with general body shaming until we deal our virulent hatred of certain bodies, and the bodies we hate are fat. ... hich-worse

a thing of beauty, I know
will never fade away

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BeitragVerfasst: Mo 5. Sep 2016, 16:20 
Daughter of the Sea

Registriert: Mo 30. Jan 2012, 21:36
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Ich habe einen kleinen Absatz gelesen und es wirkte auf mich krass so als ist das keinesfalls ein neutraler, oder auch nur ansatzweise so hinnehmbarer Vergleich. Die Frau klingt so als war sie "glücklich" als sie dünn war und findet das für sich selbst positiv, während sie fett sein für sich selbst negativ findet.
Dementsprechend ist der ganze Text einfach nur eine weitere Essgestörte mit ihrer verdrehten Meinung.

“And buried deep beneath the waves
Betrayed by family
To his nation, with his last breath, cried
»Beware the Daughter of the Sea«”

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